I have also developed the website, built using HTML5 and CSS3
I have designed the interface based on the design of the gencat.cat website , compatible with Smartphones and tablet devices….
I have designed the interface based on the design of the gencat.cat website , compatible with Smartphones and tablet devices….
Development of the website for Comunimals, built using HTML5 and CSS3.
Design of the website for Interprofit. I have designed the interface, and html development
Design of the website for Escoles Bressol de Barcelona. I have designed the interface, and html development, in order to…
Design of the website for VidaCaixa. I have designed the interface and html development with the accessibility requirements of Double-A…
Design of the website for Nova Ciutadania. I have designed the interface and html development with the accessibility requirements of…
Design of the website for Museu Memorial de l’Exili. I have designed the interface, and html development
Redesign of the website for Torrespapel. I have designed the interface, and html development.